
Agile Boards

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Visualise and TracK with ease

Agile Boards in scalenow AI assist teams in managing their agile workflows, such as Scrum or Kanban.

You can create multiple customizable boards with lists and cards. A list typically represents a workflow, such as the status or version of a work package, while the cards represent work packages (e.g., tasks) within that list.

Get Started

Board View

To manage your tasks on an agile board, navigate to the Boards module in the project menu.

Select the board you want to work on and open it by double-clicking the board's title. You can prioritize cards within a list by dragging and dropping them. To add a card to a new list, simply drag it over.

Double-click on a card to edit its details. Use the arrow to return to the boards view.

Get Started

For assistance and suggestions. Please reach out  through our feedback channels.