Time tracking
Users can record the time or units spent on project activities directly within work packages, providing a clear overview of the effort required for each task. Time can be logged through the work package view, the time tracking button, or even via a commit message. Additionally, users can log time directly from the My Spent Time widget on My Page for convenience.
Note: Ensure the Time and Costs module is activated in the project settings to enable the time tracking functionality.
Log time in the work package view
scalenow AI offers various means of logging time.
To log hours for a specific activity, open the details of the corresponding work package. Click Log Time from the More Functions dropdown menu (the three-dot icon in the top-right corner) or use the Log Time icon next to Spent Time.
You can also log time directly from the work package table. Right-click on the desired work package row, then select Log Time from the menu. This will redirect you to the time logging form.
Logging Time from a Work Package
In the detailed time logging view, you can edit the following:
- Date: Specify the date for which time will be logged.
- Time Logged: Enter the actual time spent (in hours).
- Activity: Choose an activity category (e.g., coordination, development) from the dropdown menu. Categories vary by project and can be customized by a project administrator or a user with the necessary permissions.
- Comments: Add a detailed description of the activities for which time is being logged.
Be sure to save your logged time.
The total time spent on a work package is aggregated and displayed in the Work Package Details view.

Time Tracking with Tracking Button
In scalenow AI , you can track time in real-time using the Start/Stop Time Tracking button. To begin, navigate to the work package you are working on and click the Start Time Tracking button.
Once activated, the time tracking timer will start for the selected work package. A timer icon will appear next to your avatar in the top-right corner as a reminder, even if you navigate away from the work package.
When you finish your task, click the Stop Time Tracking button. A pop-up window will display the recorded time based on the timer. You can manually adjust or correct the time if needed.
- To continue tracking time, click Cancel, and the timer will keep running.
- To discard the logged time, click Delete.
- To save the time, click Save, which logs the tracked time just as if it were entered manually.
If you navigate away from the work package while a timer is running, you can easily return to it or stop the timer by accessing the time tracking controls via your avatar menu. This ensures seamless time management across your tasks.
- Integrated Query and Generation: Users can perform complex tasks like "List the tasks for Project Y and write a summary for the next sprint review."
- Real-Time Updates: The interface fetches real-time data and ensures content generation aligns with the latest project updates.
- User-Centric Design: Provides an easy-to-use dashboard with guided suggestions and interactive elements.
Log Time via My Page
You can conveniently track your spent time using the My Spent Time widget on My Page, which provides an overview of all your activities for the week.
This widget functions as a personal weekly timesheet, making it easy to manage and review your logged hours.

Edit and Delete Logged Time
In scalenow AI, to edit and delete logged time, navigate to the Spent Time section in the work package details view and click on the displayed time amount.
This action opens the time tracking report, showing all time entries for the work package. Depending on your permissions, you may only be able to edit your own entries and not those logged by other users.
To modify your entry, click the Edit icon next to your time entry in the list.
This will open the detailed time logging view, where you can make and save changes to your logged time.