
Work Packages

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What is a Work Package

In scalenow AI a work package can represent anything you need to manage within your projects, such as a task, feature, bug, risk, milestone, or project phase.

These different categories are known as work package types. located in the top-right corner of the header and choose the project you want to access.

Get Started

Creation of New Work Package in scalenow AI

  1. Access the Module:

    • Open your project from the drop-down menu and navigate to Work Packages.
  2. Create a Work Package:

    • Click the orange + Create button and choose a type (e.g., task, milestone).
    • Or, click the blue + Create a new work package link.
  3. Fill Details:

    • Enter the subject, description, assignee, due date, and other attributes.
    • Add attachments via copy-paste or drag-and-drop.
  4. Save:

    • Click Save to finalize. The work package will appear in the table.

Get Started

edit work package

  1. Open the Work Package:

    • Select the desired work package from the table.
    • Open the split-screen view by clicking the details icon, double-clicking the work package, or clicking its ID.
  2. Navigate the Split Screen:

    • The left side lists work packages, while the right side displays details of the selected package.
  3. Edit the Work Package:

    • Click any field (e.g., description) to update it.
    • Save changes by clicking the checkmark below the input field.
  4. Update the Status:

    • Click the current status at the top of the form.
    • Select a new status from the drop-down menu.
Get Started

Tracking Activities in a Work Package

  1. Activity Tab:

    • Open the ACTIVITY tab in the details view to see all changes made to the work package.
    • Add a comment at the end of the activity list if needed.
  2. Notify Others:

    • To inform others, mention them in a comment by typing @username. They will receive a notification once you publish the comment.
  3. Configuration:

    • Activity list settings can be customized in the system administration.

For more details on work package functionalities, refer to the comprehensive user guide.

Get Started

For assistance and suggestions. Please reach out  through our feedback channels.